
In the wrong world.

An abuse has taken place. Since this abuse, the loved subject is in a “wrong world”. Only by mutual agreement should we address the issues that affect this event.

“du liebst mich gar nicht wirklich. Du bist schon zufrieden damit, mich zu lieben und fühlst dich gut dabei. Und was habe ich davon? Ich bleibe allein zurück und du hast deinen Spaß. Dein Interesse gilt nicht wirklich mir, sondern nur dem Bild dass du dir von mir machst und die Freude die du daraus ziehen kannst.”

Note: I have made the following music selection for myself. It may therefore appear to you (the reader) to be unsuitable for this structure, as it is based on personal criteria.

Where I come from

“Where I am now, I can no longer play your double-cross. I’ve just seen so much of what people’s duplicity has really shown me.”

The way you are now, you don’t like yourself anymore, because you have the feeling that you have taken a wrong turn somewhere. You’ve been carrying around this feeling for so long that you’ve ended up in the wrong world. You have lost hope, because it feels like fate.

Chii93 – Finster
Jackson C. Frank – Stitch In Time
“The Gift” – Music by Georg Wagner

At home in misery

One is at home where one is actually outcast. You are at home and at the same time on the outside. You interact with people to whom you mean nothing, who may even despise or objectify you. How can a child deal with such a situation? Then you are given love again, which obviously always has an expiry date. After the situation changes again, what has been achieved is taken away again. You feel like a doormat, because the people who are fooling you just want to take a treasure away from you. They are events that bring you (again) into a wrong world.

Silly – Verlorene Kinder
Silly – Kinder der Nacht
Stina Nordenstam – Everyone Else In The World
Charles Manson – Big Iron Door
CocoRosie – Summer Breeze (You Wanna Fuck Me)
Chii93 – Im Regen
Tua & Vasee – Der Passant

Grant fire

“She just didn’t get enough of life, so now she wants the things she was never allowed to have.”

The beloved subject does not want to be understood (decreed, objectified), but rather accepted and released. This includes that the beloved subject seeks possession as well as true love. All those who stop the loved subject on this path should remember that the hidden law (Justizia) gives the loved subject (as an unloved person) the favour, because he or she has been in lack for a long time.

Sade – Jezebel
Moloko – Forever More
James Carr – The Dark End Of The Street
Leo Tolstoi – Anna Karenina

Note: Music is free and the assignments made here are for entertainment purposes only and can never restrict a song to only these aspects.

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