The storm has already moved up and the forces have accumulated. One feels shaken and relentless, for one is no longer willing to let the injustices of the world rage in one’s soul for any longer. One is grim and shows teeth. Tired of your own expectations of yourself and the recognized adjustments to invisible limitations, you push them away and feel unleashed and liberated. The insight into injustice increases the strength and counter-movement in which one finds oneself. One supports oneself, well knowing that there is enough on the scales, on one’s own experienced suffering. One reaches out for a storm surge to sweep away the ballast of these expectations and adjustments. Or one relies on one’s own feelings, on one’s own values and experience even if these are invalidated by external circumstances.
Note: I have made the following music selection for myself. It may therefore appear to you (the reader) to be unsuitable for this structure, because it’s personal criteria.
Accumulated forces break their way to dissolve false ones (Flamenco)
One remains faithful to the here and now; in a mere nimble and swift outburst that says: “What do you want from me, leave me alone”. It is thus a reaction that breaks out of truth and emotion and also strives for truth.
Flamenco Dance by Spanish Gypsies Part 1
Flamenco dance (9) in Granada 2015
Flamenco dance (5) in Granada 2015
Elena Yerevan – Je veux (Հյուսիսային պողոտա)
I remain true to myself, even if the world invalidates me:
You understand that the world is not interested in really understanding you or bringing out the best in you. The resulting realization is that you are the best advisor and observer in your life as well as in matters of faith.
Charles Manson – Invisible Tears
Klaus Renft Combo – Als ich wie ein Vogel war
John Lennon – God
I let the new morning its strength and feel it without invalidating me
The eternal rummaging in the past makes one deaf to the joys of the moment. One decides that the beautiful moment doesn’t deserve that the past keeps robbing him of the gifts he has been given.
Greis – Dounia (feat. Baze & Samir Essahbi)
Harleckinz – Otra Vez
Just taking sides, even if everything is relativized in bullshit bingo
The fragmentation of the world makes everything pointless. You gather your strength in this insignificance and just grab any available body and occupy it to finally fight your way back up.
Massive Attack – I against I (feat. Mos Def)
Note: Music is free and the assignments made here are for entertainment purposes only and can never restrict a song to only these aspects.