No contact with people who believe in God
Actions, attitudes and opinions
Love for friendship, wholeness, selflessness
Contributions that describe the beloved subject, draw a character picture and emphasize the individuality of the experience. It is important to the describing person that these character pictures are as free and realistic as possible. No consideration should be given here to the fact that these character pictures have the power to free themselves from the prisons in which the author has put them in order to have a feeling of security for himself — instead: through an explicit and faithful description, to free themselves from their influence and control in the author himself (as an inner image), in a way that the author becomes aware that he has never possessed them; nor should it be considered that a precise description would ultimately destroy the meaning of the whole project here. The author as a believer; the Beloved Subject as an image of God, which sends the believer on an odyssey to himself — for he has lost himself (but also detached himself from this, in her own history, for she is not prescribable, atopic and therefore present and inherently independent).